31 July 2009


I know, I would be thinking, "again"? But, yes. I'm realize that's I'm transitioning again.

This past month has been hard. Hard to get up in the morning. Hard to make my mouth make the sounds it's only made for a few months. Hard to make myself pick up the phone. Hard to see my parents leave after a whirl wind trip around Vienna, Prague and Zurich. Hard to not go to my grandfather's funeral.

I'm not saying this isn't a wonderful life. My friend Ambra is going through the same thing in Milan and I think she's written it much better than me here. I can't wait to see her and Jenn again. So we can exchange stories and . . . I can't wait for this meeting. I feel like it's the night before Christmas - except we have to ride a train for 8 hours to get to the presents!

I'm also looking forward to another whirlwind trip after the conference to England, France, and Switzerland. I'm hoping that all this, besides being a wonderful adventure and time of togetherness with the people I love, it is a time to "pop out of gear" before setting in on a new phase of my time in Wien without full time language school. I'm gathering up my courage as we speak to really dive in when I get back. To let go as I haven't before. To seek out opportunities to grow and invest.

1 comment:

Christy Nicholson said...

July was a terrible month. Here's to a beautiful August!