08 June 2009


Compared to what some of my friends throughout the world have to deal with, I was not sick last week. I just had a little bug. But, I was pretty much flattened out by it, and I found out that three of my co-workers had the same thing. And, yes, because I'm a stupid American and went back to school too soon, now both of the people who sat next to me last week are "sehr krank". But they were in class when they were clearly still contagious so I don't feel so bad.Who knows, maybe we'll keep passing it around our little class of 13. There was a major leap in the vocabulary of my classmates when I switched classes, so I might appreciate a few days head start on some of them. Just kidding.

My days are still very full of studying, studying, going to the opera, and studying. If my internet connection continues to behave I should have some pictures from the opera house up shortly. I loved getting to see Lucia in the standing room area. That alone deserves a nice long entry, but I just can't pull myself together to share the trama of long lines, fighting, people getting thrown out of line, and the battle to the "best" spots. I had no idea that going to the opera could be a contact sport. Welcome to Vienna! But, of course the perfomance was incredible no matter where you ended up if you could get the tourists to stop whispering explanations and the lastest news on the GM situation.

In other news, my window boxes are slowly taking shape to enliven our very depressing courtyard. I just planted some English ivy. I asked about five different people at the Nauchmarkt what they are called in German, but when I found someone, to be honest, it just sounded like heavy breathing, like "Echeh" or something. My friend from the end stall walked me around from flower stall to flower stall with my purchases unpaid trying to find someone who could tell me because she is not a native speaker. She could only tell me how to care for it, which is all I really needed. All the same, I'm glad I found some evergreen for my place. I also planted a potato that was going bad in a bare place and it's coming up beautifully. I'm not sure it will stay pretty, but for now I'm thankful for a little green.

Well, back to German lessons.

1 comment:

liz said...

my phone number for now is +43 688 904 9088. facebook in this internet cafe is not working properly, so if you are in vienna, give me a call (amy nicholson, i am talking to you!) love, liz