08 April 2013

Your Basic Update, Restart

I've realized that after many attempted blog posts that never got past my head that I need to just write more bad posts until I can get in the habit of sitting and writing for something with no deadline. 

So, what am I up to: Basic Update

1. I'm learning what life is like married to my best friend who accepts and loves in me in a way I have never known. There is so much comfort and excitement each new day. I love the honeymoon period and I hope we can always find ways to hold on to this kind of hope and faith in each other through the grace of Christ.

2. I'm still learning how to be a seminar level student in the PhD program. There's a lot of freedom and I'm so enjoying reading and studying. There's so just enough freedom to hang myself. Fortunately, my professors are gracious. I'm starting to get a picture in my head of what my dissertation may be on and that's exciting and helpful in focusing my studies. I will be posting things on this theme on my other blog.

3. I'm in a new phase of house keeping. I'm not working right now so I'm trying to save money for us rather than earn money. I'm doing poorly on this part so far, but I remind myself I'm new at this. Because housekeeping and mom blogs are something I actually read, this blog could reflect that more in the future.

4. We're praying and thinking about future opportunities of life together. C and I do a lot of dreaming and what ifs. This theme could also end up here occasionally. Among many other things, I'm trying to get together a "Travis on Mission" group that will be a prayer and mission support group connected with the WMU (women's missionary union) at my church. This theme will definitely show up here!

Okay. I'm sure that's all I can think of at the moment.
Thanks for checking in.

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