My dear, amazingly creative friend B Chu came for the weekend and we did girlie things like get hair cut at a fabulous salon, pedicures, and a little packing with lots of conversation and hugs. She's making ADORABLE Japanese stuffed animals (Amigurumi) as her craft-project-to-sell-for-spring-clothes and it was amazing to see skeins of yarn turn into sweet cuddly creatures.
This idea of creation - wonderful things coming from the basic blacks into something miraculous just - keeps coming up in my life. I'm really struck by my nephews newness and yet how complete he is in his infancy. I can see aspects of what he will become from his still forming body. Clearly God can use us to make things. He made us to be creators, inventors, and artists. This also gives me hope that God will do a new thing through me in Vienna. As incomplete as I am, God can draw together things that naturally fall apart.
Last night my dad asked me to join him for one last hockey game. Honestly, I was not that excited to go because sports can sometimes (please DON'T tell my family) bore me a little. Add to the fact this was my last Saturday night in Nashville. . . I was just tied up in knots wanting to do everything and nothing. So I went with my father to the game, in my mind, to spend quality time with him.
What I didn't realize is that the Predators really needed to win this game to have a chance at the playoffs and that this night, of all nights, was Scout night which means there were hundreds of kids in adorable uniforms so excited to be there. When my dad suggested I stand just inside so I could see all the pre-game stuff while he stood in line to get us pizza I was touched by the scene. As ticket holders came in, the usher recognized and greeted people by name. Folks were all smiles in anticipation. The players all came out and the crowd roared. It was going to be a wonderful night.
Then, these little miniature scouts came out the colors and the American flag was highlighted as we all sang the American National Anthem. Half way in the middle of the song it hit me. This was the last time. It would never be like this again. Something new and wonderful is around the bend for me, but there will never be another night like this. The usher shyly looked my way wondering why I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I smiled and explained this was my last game before moving to Europe. "Oh, baby, go on and tear!" Nashvillians are very pro-emotion.
After sitting up in our usual section for a while, a family asked if we would trade seats with a couple of friends of theirs so they could watch the game together - so we ended up watching the rest of the game on the first level of the stadium! For the first time I could really see, hear, and feel the energy of the game. And what a game! We finally won in the third round of shots in the shoot out. I almost lost my voice I yelled so much. High fives after each score is the best kind of quality time.
IT is good to end well so that I can begin well, too.
1 comment:
Thanks for the links...I had a priceless time with you. I can't wait to keep up with what God is up to in your life and the refreshingly wonderful way you see it. I love you so completely.
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